Baxter IV Pump: Setting the Standard for Best-in-Class Patient Safety

by Sara Alvarado

Updated January 8, 2024

The Baxter IV pumps, manufactured by Baxter International Inc., offer the best possible standard for patient safety through an easy-to-use interface for medical practitioners working in hospitals, specialized clinics, and home care settings.
Baxter pumps are carefully engineered to reduce medical errors, ensure accuracy, and empower patients in their healing journey.

Models and Pricing of Baxter Pumps


Baxter IV Pump Setting the Standard for Best-in-Class Patient Safety
One of this simple-to-operate, sophisticated pump's greatest attributes is its capability to provide continuous and intermittent infusion of parenteral fluids. It is ideally suited for working in a hospital setting for pain management analgesia. Average refurbished price: $300
Key Features:
Precise Patient Controlled Analgesia
It can also be used with or without a primary IV delivery system.
Internal safe checks reduce errors
Suitable for Hospital settings
Capable of both continuous and intermittent infusion
Rechargeable Batteries

2. BAXTER 300 XL

Baxter IV Pump Setting the Standard for Best-in-Class Patient Safety
This syringe infusion pump is designed for controlled intermittent intravenous medication. Moreover, it can also be used as a primary infusor or as a backup secondary infusor with another pump. Average refurbished price: $745
Key Features:
RX battery operated
Infusion Time: up to116 minutes
Single speed
Continuous flat flow
Rocker Switch


Baxter IV Pump Setting the Standard for Best-in-Class Patient Safety
With advanced programming capability, the Baxter AS40A is a highly versatile pump that can be used for infusion via the intra-arterial, epidural, intravenous, or subcutaneous routes. Average refurbished price: $650
Key Features:
Variable occlusion sensitivity
Automatic syringe size recognition
Keypad lock
Programmable in ml/hr, units/hr, mg/minute, or mg/kg/minute
LCD readout
Alarm and alert messages
Can deliver continuously or can deliver a timed infusion


Baxter IV Pump Setting the Standard for Best-in-Class Patient Safety
A syringe infusion pump that accurately and continuously or intermittently infuses a range of fluids- intravenous solutions, whole blood, drug solutions, packed red blood cells, etc. Average refurbished price: $1747
Key Features
Works with standard disposable syringes from 1 mL to 60 mL.
Digital syringe pump
Numeric keypad
Programmable infusion rates(0.01 to 438 mL/hr)
Pre-programmable bolus operation
Optional serial communication feature


Baxter IV Pump Setting the Standard for Best-in-Class Patient Safety
The SIGMA pump is a highly versatile and lightweight infusion pump, allowing several to be used in a single patient if needed - when a complex medical regime is required. Average refurbished price: $1296
Key Features:
Bright-colored screen
Lithium-ion battery pack.
Automatic MDL start-up when powered
Master drug library
Small and compact
Pole mounted


Baxter IV Pump Setting the Standard for Best-in-Class Patient Safety
The concept of an integrated smart pump is revolutionized by the Spectrum IQ Infusion System. The Spectrum IQ system fully connects with your EMR, bringing an extra layer of safety to your infusions and offering quick and quantifiable outcomes to health systems and the people they serve. It builds on Baxter's industry-leading drug library compliance and ease of use. Average refurbished price: $2200
Key Features:
On-screen barcode technology with scan prompts
Auto-programming workflows
wirelessly update the fleet’s drug library
Built-in DeviceVue Asset Tracking Application
Line Check Notification technology
Titration error prevention enabled
Pole mounted

Best-in-Class Patient Safety Features of Baxter IV Pumps

Baxter IV Pump Setting the Standard for Best-in-Class Patient Safety
Built upon proven spectrum infusion pump technology, the Spectrum pump ensures that high-risk infusions are delivered precisely and meet the highest safety standards.

This infusion pump has an industrial-leading drug library compliance score of 97% within a month of implementation compared with an industrial average of 84%.

To lower medical errors and improve patient safety during medication delivery, the Spectrum IQ Infusion System offers a straightforward, standardized user experience and strives to establish new healthcare benchmarks in drug delivery. This is chiefly due to its best-in-class feature: the drug library.

The library is designed to help health professionals quickly identify mistakes before the patient is harmed by allowing for the selection of a predetermined list of medications and fluids within the proper dose range.

If the programmatic exceeds the limit, the health professional will receive an alert before administering the medication.

The SIGMA Spectrum infusion pump has an inbuilt Dose/Rate Change error prevention feature that prevents high-risk infusions when a pharmacist customizes dose change limits for particular drugs.

This feature is particularly vital for medication titrated based on a patient's changing condition, especially for “high alert medicines” that carry a higher risk and can harm a patient when an error occurs.

What Makes The Baxter IV Pumps A Popular Choice?

Baxter IV Pump Setting the Standard for Best-in-Class Patient Safety
The Baxter pumps are popular for the following reasons:
A compact, lightweight design makes patient mobility possible.
Interoperability capability with existing electronic medical record(EMR) systems
Enhanced data analytics and readability
Hospitals can maximize revenue via the Infusion Dashboard with charge capture that optimizes IV billing by automating the capture of the infusion and duration. This data is then relied directly on the nursing or pharmacy dashboard.
Versatility in application, making it ideal for various clinical application
Remote troubleshooting and diagnostic possible
Advanced error prevention capability
Brand reputation of the Baxter brand

Bottom Line & Why AUTOINFU is A Great Alternative

To sum up, Baxter IV pumps have raised the bar for the best infusion products regarding patient safety and protection; ranging from the Syringe Pump to the SIGMA Spectrum IV pump, you will get a product that is easy to use for all stakeholders while ensuring a comprehensive approach to safety, adaptability, and reliable performance. Download the Baxter infusion pump manual from the company website for more details on each IV pump.

Another advanced IV pump engineered to offer an accurate and safe medical infusion is the AUTOINFU infusion pump. With features such as Titration error prevention and bubble detection, this innovative pump rivals some of the best pumps in the market today.

Contact us today to learn more.
Article by
Sara Alvarado
Greetings, I'm Sara, a dedicated nurse and a proud contributor to the AutoInfu blog. With my firsthand experience in the world of infusion pumps, I'm here to provide you with the latest insights, expert advice, and essential updates to ensure you stay informed about the infusion pump industry.

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