Ensuring hospital IV pump reliability is a chain responsibility that involves governments, manufacturers, hospital management, healthcare providers, and other experts.
Each of these groups should play their part to ensure hospital infusion pumps are safe and reliable in the delivery of drugs and fluids to patients as follows:
Governments and Quality Assurance AgenciesProvide premarket guidelines to ensure manufacturers guarantee high rigor in the design and development stages of hospital infusion pumps. The FDA’s “
White Paper: Infusion Pump Improvement Initiative” is a good example. It requires manufacturers to anticipate possible IV pump dysfunctions and address them before putting them on the market for use in hospitals.
Identify hospital IV pump recalls for equipment with manufacturer defects that pose significant risks of injury, temporary illness, or fatalities.
ManufacturersAdhere to government guidelines on hospital infusion pump design and development and premarket assessments.
Promptly recall hospital IV pumps when possible design faults are identified.
Hospital managementHire qualified labor and provide ongoing training for hospital personnel to be up-to-date with new hospital IV pump technologies and software. This will minimize programming and administration errors.
Monitor IV pump infusion using patient safety practices such as “double-checks” by a second independent clinician, especially when infusing high-risk medications.
Strictly follow IV pump preventative maintenance plans and use warranty servicing and repair plans. This should go hand in hand with having backup plans for prompt drug infusion delivery to patients should infusion pumps fail.
Follow manufacturer-recommended battery and IV pump lifespans for prompt replacements.
Healthcare providersFollow hospital protocols on the use of infusion pumps.
Stay updated on hospital IV pump new technologies and software capabilities and limitations.
Report IV pump damage or dysfunction to the relevant bodies so they are addressed ASAP before using them again with patients.
Researchers and Experts
Consistently conduct studies on hospital IV pump reliability to provide up-to-date data, useful in reducing IV pump technology-related and human-related errors.