Your pregnancy and baby guide

by Sara Alvarado

Updated March 15, 2024
Pregnancy is a whole other job if you think about it. But it could be a job you would love if you got it when you really needed it – you get my drift. But there are some crazy times when you are overwhelmed with a lot of questions, right? That is of course normal, and we hope this guide will walk you through the path of pregnancy.

You should be aware that about thirteen weeks into your pregnancy, your body and that of your unborn child’s would begin to grow. Now, to start this journey, this is where this guide comes in for you. Let’s ride.

Pregnancy Stage

There are three stages of pregnancy. The 40-week pregnancy is split into these three stages before delivery. The weeks differ between people, but are majorly between 39-42 weeks before child delivery. Now let's take a brief look at these stages.

The First Trimester (0-13 Weeks):

During this stage, you may feel a bit of nausea, frequent urination, fatigue, and also breast tenderness. This then means that your fetus's body structure and organs are developing. These, however, are based on a general assumption –it could be different for every woman.

The Second Trimester (14-26 Weeks):

A funny way to call this stage is the “honeymoon period.” In this trimester, your body will automatically pump a lot of energy, in turn making you sleep a lot better. However, some women have been shown to have abdominal or back pain, heartburn, and leg cramps.

Third Trimester (27-40 Weeks):

This is the final stage, and I am sure you would be excited and anxious to see your child out of you, right? Some of the symptoms you might come across during this stage are Shortness of breath, urinary incontinence, sleeping issues, hemorrhoids, and the like. Some of these challenges may have started showing up because of the size of the Uterus, which expands from approximately two ounces before the pregnancy to 2.5 pounds at the moment of birth of the child.

Prenatal Care

Women who are already with an unborn child should inform and schedule a visit to their healthcare provider so we can start prenatal care. If you then plan to pay a visit to the health care people, then be ready for a weight check, physical examination, and then your urine sample. These professionals may or may not carry on with blood tests or imaging exams as it depends on the stage of the pregnancy.

Pre-pregnancy and prenatal care may assist women prevent problems and educate them on important activities they can take to protect their baby and ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Labor and Delivery

Now comes the “pain.” Well, you do not need to be afraid during labor and delivery. Stay relaxed and comfortable throughout this process. Let’s take a bit look at some of the stages of labor we have:

Active labor

As the cervix widens from 6 to 10 centimeters, contractions intensify, occur more frequently, and follow a consistent pattern. If you experience nausea, lower back pain, or your water breaking, it's important to seek medical attention.

Second stage

Entering the second stage, the baby is born, and contractions occur consistently and with intervals between them. It may take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.

Stage three

After the placenta is delivered, the uterus gently contracts to help loosen and push it out. Usually lasting around 30 minutes, this stage may extend up to an hour even.


After knowing all these, there are some birthing options you should be very much aware of, Natural birth, Cesarean section, and water birth.

You can try to stay comfortable and relaxed through labor. Move around and try different positions to find what works best for you. You may feel pain and pressure, and some of the pressure will be relieved when you begin to push.

Right after labor and delivery, you should also be aware of some postpartum issues. Such issues range from


As a woman with an unborn child, you should be responsible for your child in all aspects, especially prioritizing their health. With this guide, you should be able to link up with your medical personnel for further consultation regarding the fetus in your womb and other baby issues.


Article by
Sara Alvarado
Greetings, I'm Sara, a dedicated nurse and a proud contributor to the AutoInfu blog. With my firsthand experience in the world of infusion pumps, I'm here to provide you with the latest insights, expert advice, and essential updates to ensure you stay informed about the infusion pump industry.

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