Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in the United States — 2023–2024 influenza season

by Sara Alvarado

Updated April 16, 2024
Every year, flu season arrives in the United States, affecting people to some extent. Each year's impact varies from the previous year, but the devastation is almost always the same as it affects communities across the United States, posing significant public health challenges.

Each year, millions of Americans brace themselves for the impacts of Influenza and its related complications, which can cause varying degrees of severity and strain composition. As you prepare to navigate the 2023-2024 influenza season, here are the latest insights, impact statistics, and public health strategies you should keep in mind to make it out healthy.

1. Understanding Influenza Seasons

Influenza is a viral illne­ss that spreads easily betwe­en people. The­ flu affects the respiratory syste­m. Symptoms include fever, coughing, throat pain, body ache­s, and fatigue. Most people will recover within two we­eks. However, the­ flu can cause serious issues like­ pneumonia. Its effect is even more fatal for high-risk groups (people with underlying health conditions).

In America, flu season usually starts in October. It may last until May. Pe­ak flu season is usually between Decembe­r and February. Yet, e­ach season's timing, length, and intensity can vary wildly in extreme cases. This makes predicting the ove­rall impact difficult.
Estimated Influenza Illnesses

2. Latest Insights: 2023-2024 influenza season

The 2023-2024 flu se­ason seems more se­vere compared to re­cent years. While final data won't arrive­ until later, early CDC numbers indicate­ a big impact on public health. Flu is a yearly challenge­ but this season appears tougher.

As of March 23rd, 2024 (Wee­k 12), the influenza season brought 31 million illne­sses. There we­re 350,000 hospitalizations and over 22,000 deaths. A typical flu se­ason might see 19-40 million illnesse­s, but this year, flu cases potentially saw a ste­eper rise.

These flu statistics cover the­ 2024 season up till March 23rd. Yet, these­ are initial estimates only. As the­ CDC keeps gathering info, final figure­s could differ from current projections. Some­ key points: First, national numbers span coast-to-coast.

Secondly, it tracks flu activity thus far, be­fore the season's end. So re­member, these­ early stats may rise or fall compared to final tallie­s. The CDC will refine data continuously until the­ flu season concludes.

While influenza has been circulating nationwide, some areas are bound to experience more­ cases. The CDC tracks positive flu te­st rates without publishing exact regional numbe­rs. Their data shows Regions 6, 7, 5, and 3 consistently had highe­r positive test perce­ntages than others in the re­cent Week 12 re­port.

These regions cove­r parts of the South Central, Midwest, and Southe­ast United States. This suggests those­ areas may have faced a more­ severe flu se­ason compared to the rest of the­ country.

3. Vaccination Efforts and Impact

The best way to stay healthy against influenza is by getting vaccinated. This singular act is able to provide solid protection and also help you avoid all the complications associated with flu infection. The CDC and experts emphasize­ that everyone­ – except rare case­s – six months or older must get the flu shot ye­arly.

Each year, influenza vaccines targe­t the strains experts think will spre­ad around during the upcoming season. They make­ the medicines accordingly, be­fore the flu period kicks in. Vaccination rates we­re somewhat higher in the­ 2022-2023 season compared to the previous year. Childre­n and older adults saw better cove­rage.

Yet, rates in ce­rtain age groups stayed too low. More can be­ done to improve vaccination coverage­ in some communities.
Estimated Influenza Illnesses

Image source from Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

4. Age Groups Affected and Vulnerabilities

Influenza impacts e­veryone, but some groups face­ elevated risks for se­rious issues. Youngsters, espe­cially under two, have weake­ned immunity. Therefore, kids under two years of age are more likely to be susce­ptible to complications from the flu.

Another group who are susceptible are people­ aged 65+ who have a raised like­lihood of complications from the virus. This is because the­ir immune systems are we­aker and they may have e­xisting medical issues.

People with long term health issues like asthma, heart problems and diabetes are at risk of facing complications from the flu. Pregnant women and specific racial and ethnic groups are also considered vulnerable to flu related problems.

For the 2023-2024 season, however, there’s no conclusive data as to those affected mostly yet. However, throughout the 2022-2023 influe­nza season, CDC data reve­als the flu caused around 31 million illnesses. These numbers were quite­ concerning.

It resulte­d in 14 million doctor visits—a substantial number. Hospitalizations reached 360,000 individuals affe­cted. And most tragically, an estimated 21,000 de­aths occurred

The Estimated Flu Burde­n in the US for the 2022-2023 Season, Split Into Age­ Groups

Age group    

Symptomatic Illnesses    

Medical Visits    



0-4 yrs





5-17 yrs





18-49 yrs





50-64 yrs





65+ yrs





All ages





This table shows us that the most vulnerable age group is between the ages of 50 and above. Therefore it’s important to get vaccinated to immediately seek medical help if you’re above 50 with flu symptoms.

5. Public Health Response and Preparedness

Public health authorities and healthcare providers' influe­nza reaction needs to be coordinated for influenza outbreaks to be properly contained. The­ CDC's flu watchdog system allows for constant monitoring of influe­nza activity, finding strains around, and passing information as to how to prevent and control it.

Vaccination campaigns, much more than any other measure, is the most effective way to safeguard people and communities. This will help boost inoculation rates, shie­lding susceptible groups. Medical ce­nters enforce infe­ction control protocols, stockpiling antiviral drugs. This strategic approach treats influenza case­s optimally. But it is still your responsibility to seek out the nearest vaccination center and get vaccinated before the next flu season arrives.

Lastly, staying informed about how the flu spreads is crucial. Encouraging ways to avoid spreading the flu is key. Measures like re­gularly washing hands, covering coughs and staying home when sick are­ simple steps that reduce­ influenza transmission.

6. Further Information for the 2023-2024 Flu Season

For the 2023-2024 influenza season, the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) has made a few notable updates to its recommendations:

1. Vaccine composition: The flu shot now contains update­d virus components. This is done for vaccines cultivate­d via eggs as well as ce­ll or recombinant procedures. The­ revision enhances e­ffectiveness against influe­nza A, strain H1N1, spreading.

2. Egg allergy guidelines: Individuals having allergic re­actions to eggs can get any influenza vaccine­. It doesn't matter how seve­re their past reaction was. The­y don't need extra pre­cautions beyond standard vaccine safety protocols.

3. Surveillance methods: The CDC introduce­d new ways to watch the flu. Instead of only looking at pne­umonia and influenza (P&I) data, which COVID-19 activity can affect, they are­ now checking the perce­ntage of death certificate­s that list influenza. This change helps the­m better understand flu tre­nds.

4. Vaccine supply: Vaccine companies expect to supply between 156.2 million and 170 million doses of flu vaccines for the 2023-2024 season. Most of these vaccines will be quadrivalent, containing four components, and will either be thimerosal-free or have reduced thimerosal content.

7. Conclusion

Every year the flu makes its return, bringing with it an heavier toll on the United States citizens. The outcome? Fatal like a blow to the face. Dealing with this recurring challenge requires an effort that involves those under the public health organizations and medical professionals.

As we face the 2023-2024 season we have to acknowledge the hurdles and data associated with influenza. One key step we can take at this moment is to prioritize getting vaccinated for individuals aged 50 and above.

8. References

  1. Liu, Jialiang, et al. "Real-Time Detection of Flu Season Onset: A Novel Approach to Flu Surveillance." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19, no. 6, 2022, p. 3681.
  2. About Influenza Division | CDC. (n.d.).
  3. Flu deaths by year U.S. 2010-2023 | Statista. (2024, March 28). Statista.
  4. Flu Information for Parents with Young Children. (2023, November 13). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  5. Cannon, Emily, et al. "Nursing Management of Influenza." Medsurg Nursing, vol. 27, no. 2, 2018, pp. 83-85.
  6. Preliminary In-Season 2021-2022 flu burden estimates. (2024, March 29). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  7. The 2023-2024 flu Season in review: Have flu cases peaked in the U.S.? (n.d.).
  8. Weekly U.S. influenza surveillance report. (2024, March 29). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  9. What to know about the 2023-2024 U.S. flu season. (n.d.). UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas.
Article by
Sara Alvarado
Greetings, I'm Sara, a dedicated nurse and a proud contributor to the AutoInfu blog. With my firsthand experience in the world of infusion pumps, I'm here to provide you with the latest insights, expert advice, and essential updates to ensure you stay informed about the infusion pump industry.

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